The first mention of an Australian Kelpie breed was in 1870. Currently on the Australian continent, there are over 100,000 dogs of this breed. Breed name comes from the water kelpie, mentioned in one of the works of Louis Stevenson.
Bark collar. There is a widespread theory that Australian Kelpie was the result of crossing a Border Collie and wild dingo. To Kelpie really typical habits of some wild dogs. For example, grazing cattle, kelpie bends his head to the ground, as if stalking the victim.
Kelpie has a high degree of obedience and willingness to work. Kelpie is not peculiar to laziness, the dog always work with pleasure. He can not sit still, he needs a permanent occupation. Inactivity and boredom for this dog can be called tantamount to death. Despite its small size, the dogs of this breed very well managed with cattle and poultry. The open pasture Kelpie can cope with a thousand sheep. Animals that do not want to obey Kelpie may be bitten by the legs. In order to quickly move from one end of the stage to the other, the dog can not jump on the backs of animals.
As an Australian Kelpie loves to be in motion, it is not a house dog. This is a working dog, for which it is very important for a regular job. Of course, this dog can be kept in the house, but this is only possible with sequential education, and provided that the Kelpie is a good load and frequent long walks.
Bark collar reviews General view. Bark collar reviews is flexible, active dog, perfectly combining the muscular strength with great flexibility of limbs, suggesting a potential for tireless work. No hint of the ease of addition. Characteristics. High intelligence, coupled with an almost inexhaustible energy. Expressed loyalty to the man and dedication to work. Neither defect addition or temperament, worsening the properties of the working dog that is not typical.
Temperament. Dog alert, ready to work, soft natured.
Head. Proportional to body size, slightly rounded, broad between the ears. Profile of the forehead straight, "stop" pronounced. Cheeks are not rude and not outstanding, but rounded to the front part, which has a clear and clean lines, it is desirable to muzzle slightly shorter than the skull. His lips stretched, smooth. Nose color blends in with the color. General shape and contours of a whole creates some foxy expression, which softens almond-shaped eyes.
Eyes. Almond-shaped, medium-sized, eye clear and clean lines, intelligent expression of readiness. Brown, in harmony with the color. In blue dogs are allowed lighter. Bark collar reviews
Ears. Pointed, erect, pointed, leather ear is thin, thick at the base, set wide apart, leaning forward. The outer edge is slightly curved, the average size of the ears. The inner surface of the ear is covered with abundant hair.
Mouth. Teeth healthy, strong, evenly spaced, in the set. Jaws strong with a perfect regular scissor bite.
Neck. Medium length, strong, slightly arched, gradually turning into shoulders. The suspension is absent; thick collar.
Forelimbs. Shoulders clean lines, well-muscled, slanting shoulder blade, rendezvous at the withers. Arm at right angles to the blade. Elbows turned inward or outward. The forelegs are muscular, with a strong but elegant bone structure, seen from the front, straight and parallel. From the side, pasterns slightly sloping, allowing flexing movements and the ability to fast turns.
Torso. The ribs are well sprung, chest deep rather than wide, with a clear straight topline, strong well-muscled loin, good depth groins. The length of the front of the chest in a straight line to the buttocks refers to the height at the withers as 10:9.
Hind limbs. The look is broad and strong, croup is long and sloping, the angles of the knee are well expressed, metatarsals strongly lowered. When viewed from behind, the hind legs above the hocks and straight and parallel, not too close together and are not widely delivered.
Paws. Round, with strong thick pads; Tightly closed, well arched toes, short strong claws.
Tail. At rest is omitted, slightly curving upwards, with movement or excitation can be raised, but never goes beyond a horizontal line drawn across the base of the tail. Has a well-developed decorating hair. Is a continuation of sloping croup and extends approximately to the hock.
Gait motion. Loose, tireless, the dog is able to sudden turns at high speed. When trotting, trend convergence feet, but when you stop they put squarely. Rocking or "crossover" leg motion is undesirable.
Wool. Double coat with a short, dense undercoat. Outer coat tight-fitting, straight hair, tight lie flat, not absorb moisture. The lower part of the body to the rear legs elongated hair forms a small "trousers" to the hips. On the head (including the inside of the ears), the front of the feet and legs the hair is short. All along the neck hair is longer and thicker, forming a mane. Too long or too short hair is undesirable. The average length of hair on the body of 2 to 3 cm
Color. Black, black and tan, red, red and tan, fawn, chocolate, smoky blue.
Size. Height at the withers: Dogs 46-51 cm Bitches 43-58 cm
Bark collar. There is a widespread theory that Australian Kelpie was the result of crossing a Border Collie and wild dingo. To Kelpie really typical habits of some wild dogs. For example, grazing cattle, kelpie bends his head to the ground, as if stalking the victim.
Kelpie has a high degree of obedience and willingness to work. Kelpie is not peculiar to laziness, the dog always work with pleasure. He can not sit still, he needs a permanent occupation. Inactivity and boredom for this dog can be called tantamount to death. Despite its small size, the dogs of this breed very well managed with cattle and poultry. The open pasture Kelpie can cope with a thousand sheep. Animals that do not want to obey Kelpie may be bitten by the legs. In order to quickly move from one end of the stage to the other, the dog can not jump on the backs of animals.
As an Australian Kelpie loves to be in motion, it is not a house dog. This is a working dog, for which it is very important for a regular job. Of course, this dog can be kept in the house, but this is only possible with sequential education, and provided that the Kelpie is a good load and frequent long walks.
Bark collar reviews General view. Bark collar reviews is flexible, active dog, perfectly combining the muscular strength with great flexibility of limbs, suggesting a potential for tireless work. No hint of the ease of addition. Characteristics. High intelligence, coupled with an almost inexhaustible energy. Expressed loyalty to the man and dedication to work. Neither defect addition or temperament, worsening the properties of the working dog that is not typical.
Temperament. Dog alert, ready to work, soft natured.
Head. Proportional to body size, slightly rounded, broad between the ears. Profile of the forehead straight, "stop" pronounced. Cheeks are not rude and not outstanding, but rounded to the front part, which has a clear and clean lines, it is desirable to muzzle slightly shorter than the skull. His lips stretched, smooth. Nose color blends in with the color. General shape and contours of a whole creates some foxy expression, which softens almond-shaped eyes.
Eyes. Almond-shaped, medium-sized, eye clear and clean lines, intelligent expression of readiness. Brown, in harmony with the color. In blue dogs are allowed lighter. Bark collar reviews
Ears. Pointed, erect, pointed, leather ear is thin, thick at the base, set wide apart, leaning forward. The outer edge is slightly curved, the average size of the ears. The inner surface of the ear is covered with abundant hair.
Mouth. Teeth healthy, strong, evenly spaced, in the set. Jaws strong with a perfect regular scissor bite.
Neck. Medium length, strong, slightly arched, gradually turning into shoulders. The suspension is absent; thick collar.
Forelimbs. Shoulders clean lines, well-muscled, slanting shoulder blade, rendezvous at the withers. Arm at right angles to the blade. Elbows turned inward or outward. The forelegs are muscular, with a strong but elegant bone structure, seen from the front, straight and parallel. From the side, pasterns slightly sloping, allowing flexing movements and the ability to fast turns.
Torso. The ribs are well sprung, chest deep rather than wide, with a clear straight topline, strong well-muscled loin, good depth groins. The length of the front of the chest in a straight line to the buttocks refers to the height at the withers as 10:9.
Hind limbs. The look is broad and strong, croup is long and sloping, the angles of the knee are well expressed, metatarsals strongly lowered. When viewed from behind, the hind legs above the hocks and straight and parallel, not too close together and are not widely delivered.
Paws. Round, with strong thick pads; Tightly closed, well arched toes, short strong claws.
Tail. At rest is omitted, slightly curving upwards, with movement or excitation can be raised, but never goes beyond a horizontal line drawn across the base of the tail. Has a well-developed decorating hair. Is a continuation of sloping croup and extends approximately to the hock.
Gait motion. Loose, tireless, the dog is able to sudden turns at high speed. When trotting, trend convergence feet, but when you stop they put squarely. Rocking or "crossover" leg motion is undesirable.
Wool. Double coat with a short, dense undercoat. Outer coat tight-fitting, straight hair, tight lie flat, not absorb moisture. The lower part of the body to the rear legs elongated hair forms a small "trousers" to the hips. On the head (including the inside of the ears), the front of the feet and legs the hair is short. All along the neck hair is longer and thicker, forming a mane. Too long or too short hair is undesirable. The average length of hair on the body of 2 to 3 cm
Color. Black, black and tan, red, red and tan, fawn, chocolate, smoky blue.
Size. Height at the withers: Dogs 46-51 cm Bitches 43-58 cm